Simple rules

Simple rules #

This is not a very interesting way to use a rule engine, though. It’s supposed to do the searching and matching part for you.

Let’s try this:

friends = engine.rule "friends" do
  forall {
    has :A, :friend, :B

This is the most basic kind of rule. A rule needs to have a forall section, describing the conditions for the rule. The conditions will be composed of a number of matchers, like has in this example. Matchers will be triggered sequentially top to bottom, and the rule will activate when they all pass successfully.

NB: The content of the rule block is only evaluated once, and is translated to an internal structure. This means that any plain Ruby expression you put in there will also be evaluated only once, so debugging the rule flow with print statements is not going to work. You need to be especially careful if you want to check against dynamically calculated values such as timestamps like or 1.minute.ago; for this you need to use the assign matcher instead.

In this example we’re matching against all facts that say someone is someone else’s friend. The predicate of the matcher is :friend, which will match any fact with the same literal predicate. The subject and the object, however, are special. Symbols starting with capital letters are interpreted as variables. The first time a variable is encountered, it is bound to the corresponding element of the matching fact.

:_ is available as a placeholder for values you don’t care about and don’t want to waste a variable on. Other symbols that start with _ such as :_person will also be treated as placeholders; you can use this if you want the rule to a bit more self-documenting.

An easy way to inspect what the rule found is this:

friends.tokens.each do |token|
  puts "%s and %s are friends" % [token[:A], token[:B]]

Tokens are built up as execution flows through all the matchers, collecting all the encountered variables.

When you use a previously bound variable, the rule will match facts against the bound value. Let’s add another fact:

engine << ["Bob", :friend, "Claire"]

and another rule:

second_degree = engine.rule "friends of friends" do
  forall {
    has :A, :friend, :B
    has :B, :friend, :C

second_degree.tokens.each do |token|
  puts "%s and %s are friends through %s" % [token[:A], token[:C], token[:B]]

(The object returned by engine#rule is called the production node. You don’t need to carry it around — you can always access it as["friends of friends"]. In fact, you shouldn’t even need to use it that often, as there are more powerful ways to work with result sets.)